Dr. Catherine Douglass


Dr Catherine is an experienced local WA medical graduate who maintains qualifications for rural practice. She says being mum to three now fully grown children has taught her many extra GP skills that she didn’t receive in medical school. Her Hobbies include gym, yoga, music and cooking. She has a special interest in sports medicine and has recently completed Les Mills Body Pump instructor certification.

Dr Catherine is specializing in our Rainbow “sexual health” clinic. Learn more about our Rainbow Clinic

Qualifications & Memberships


  • MBBS Uni of Western Australia, class of 1988
  • Diploma Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Obstetricians, 1993
  • Fellow Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, 1995
  • Fellow Australian College of Remote & Rural Medicine, 2000
  • Certificate of Sexual & Reproductive Health, 2001
  • Investigator, Perinatal and Infant Mortality Committee of WA, 2000-2010
  • Research in obstetrics, 2000-2012
  • Dr YES – Youth Friendly AMA Training 2011
  • Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Notre Dame University 2014-present
  • Clinical Lecturer, The University of Western Australia, 2013-2022
  • Supervisor of GP Trainees in the WA GP Education and Training scheme (WAGPET), 2009-2023
  • Les Mills Body Pump Instructor Certificate, Jan 2024
  • Maintains a variety of continuing medical education activities for ACRRM accreditation
  • Rotary International volunteer obstetrics educator, trips to India in 2017 and 2018
  • Professional memberships: AMA, ACRRM, DEA, RANZCOG, International Society for Sexual Medicine
  • Member: Fremantle Chamber of Commerce, 100 Women (WA),
  • Supporter: Fremantle Foundation; Ellen Health Community Fund (named fund)
