More to men’s health than prostate problems and testosterone levels
A lot of mens health concerns are age specific. Here’s the sort of issues your Ellen Health GP will have in mind:
- is blood pressure down to healthy limits?
- can lung function be improved … and is cigarette smoking still on the health agenda?
- is the cholesterol profile OK?
- when was a bowel cancer screening done last?
See more below
Mens health list
where is physical activity on the daily schedule? Is alcohol becoming a health problem?
which side of 100cms is the waist circumference?
do blood sugar levels need checking?
what about sexually transmitted infections?
would skilled counselling help to get some important decision made … and life back on track?
does erectile function need to be discussed?
is sleep apnoea causing low energy and blood pressure problems?
is it time for another skin check?
We are looking for ways to improve men’s access to Ellen Health services:
On-line appointment booking system (Health Engine) on our website
After hours and weekend appointments
Your laboratory and radiology reports on-line using our electronic results service