Make sure you have your Asthma Action Plan reviewed and updated BEFORE the winter is upon us!
Asthma is becoming increasingly common in our community, from kids with allergies and intolerances, to adults developing Asthma later in life.
It is recommended that everyone with Asthma should have a plan for managing it and the plan should be regularly reviewed and updated. This plan can be documented on an Asthma Action Plan explaining what to do if your asthma worsens. This Action plan should be readily accessible in your home and made available to childcare workers, schools, daycare centres and family members who may be caring for your child with asthma.
It is recommended that you have your asthma reviewed twice yearly and here at Ellen Health we will give you a comprehensive checkup with our Practice Nurse and Doctor where you will receive education on Asthma, review of your medication, spirometry and you will go home with an Asthma Action Plan.
Up to 90% of people on Asthma medication do not use them properly; this can be a common reason why your Asthma may deteriorate in the winter months or when you develop a cold or flu. By taking your medication properly, you could prevent the flare up in the first place. Even if you have been using inhalers for many years and think you are using them properly, it is still important to check with your Doctor or Practice Nurse.
Learn the correct technique to give yourself the best chance of living well with Asthma.